Wednesday, November 30, 2011

CNETNews On Identity theft.

  Today i will research ten facts about digital law but mainly about identity theft. i will not stop until i find everything.
1. A man was sent to prison for managing an auto theft and identity theft ring, in which people  stole biographic and credit information from real people and used the data to buy luxury cars which was more than $200,000.                  

2.Identity theft can happen to anyone! Unlike other types of fraud, which depend on victims communicating directly with fraudsters, identity theft can start whenever a criminal gets unauthorized access.

 3.Identity theft is something that will never leave because there are bad people in this world.

 4. If your idntity gets robed you better hope that , that person who has it doesn't give it to anyone else or the problem will never end.

 5. Some people think that just by talking things out the problem will go away ,but it won't because you need to solve your own problem.

 6.Identity theft is illegal everywere you go.

 7.Alway's be carefull wair you leave your things or this can happen and it won't be pretty because
onece its out it won't come back and if it does, nothing will be the same!!!!

 8. A man was charged for identity theft. He was caught useing a bank account card which was reported missing 3 months earlyer. The man was sentenced to 4 years in prison.

 9. People think that just by talking things out the problem will go away but it won't. You need to take action and never give up until you get it back or cancel it so no more people can rob you of your money.

 10. Depending on what you do will be the way the jdge or people sentence you .[JAIL]

All this information was found in the web page below.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Thesis Statement.

        Celebrity is sylvester stalone  because he is a good role model. Some people think that also. He gives charity some times.He's even a good role model when he's in an action movie.  

Tuesday, October 25, 2011


Etiquette=Etiquette are ceratin rules you need to follow while useing the internet.

Conduct=conduct  is when you behave while in the internet.

courtesy=  courtesy is when you are nice to yourself or another person.


troll=Troll is when someone puts a post to hurt or make some one respond.
Anonymous=Anonymous is someone who doesn't want anyone to know who he is.

Emoticon=Emoticon is a sign that represents something like emotions.

Obious=Obious is when something is easaly noticed.

Tone=Tone is a manner of writing.

Sms=Sms is a form of tool box.

Ethical=Ethical is concept that is good or bad.

Unethical=Unethical is a form of bad behavior.

Legal=Legal is a form  of law

Boolean search=Boolen search is  a mixture of words.

Url=Url is a form of grammer.

Friday, October 14, 2011

The design cycle

Today was a good day because i got to finish my power point. from a scale of 1-6 i think i give myself a 4 or 5. i said i would do good. i did much better.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


I should have something done but I don't. I don't have nothing because i just transferd from IDEA San Juan. For right know i have a 0 but i will get better!